JDB Platform API
Transaction Management
Action 19: Withdraw / Deposit

Action 19: Withdraw / Deposit

Function Description

  • serialNo is a unique value.
  • If there is no response when calling up API, please use the same serialNo when re-execution is needed to avoid duplicate execution.
  • Error message 6005 means that duplicate execution occurs in this serialNo.
  • Error message 6012 means that the serialNo is currently in progress.
  • If need to withdraw all out the player account balance, please use allCashOutFlag, which will cash out all the player account balance with decimals.
  • Players may receive error message 6901 when attempting to make a withdrawal in the game or game lobby, but deposits will not be affected.
  • If you require a more immediate withdrawal, it is suggested to execute Action 17:Kick Out Player first.
  • Special Situation Explanation:
    • Players can make withdrawals after 30 seconds of leaving the Card game.
    • Players can make withdrawals after 5 seconds of leaving the Fish game.
    • Players can make withdrawals after 10 seconds of leaving the FC fish game or YB fish game.
    • Upon leaving the AMB or SWG game, need to transfer their balance back from the game provider, so there may be situations where the withdrawal amount is insufficient. In such cases, please retry the withdrawal after 5 seconds.
  • The deposit amount cannot exceed the 9-digit limit, otherwise an error message 6009 is returned.
  • The deposit amount and total balance cannot exceed the 9-digit limit, otherwise an error message 6010 is returned.


tsLongYCurrent system time
parentString(50)YAgent ID
uidString(50)YPlayer ID
serialNoString(50)YTransaction Serial Number
English or digital only
allCashOutFlagString(1)N0: Not withdraw all (Default)
1: Withdraw all (include all balance with decimals)
amountDoubleNAmount of withdrawal or deposit
Positive: Deposit
Negative: Withdrawal
When allCashOutFlag is “0”, this parameter need to be filled in.
Amount allows up to three decimal places.


  "remark":"test deposit"

Return Results

statusString(4)Success: 0000

Error: See Error Codes in Appendix
userBalanceDoubleTotal balance in the account
agentCashBalanceDoubleCash balance of the agent
amountDoubleThe amount of money to withdraw/deposit
serialNoString(50)Transaction serial number entered
pidLongTransaction number
payDateString(19)Transaction date (dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss)
err_textString(255)Error message

Operation Sample

// Http Request
//Http Response (success)
  "amount": 1000.0,
  "pid": 14425,
  "payDate":"08-12-2016 17:45:00"
// Http Response (error)
  "err_text":"Assertion(SAML) didn't pass the timestamp validation."