JDB Platform API
Get Game URL
Action 11: Get Game Launch URL

Action 11: Get Game Launch URL

Function Description

  • This function provides users a game launch URL to login the system.
  • Game launch URL valid for 1 minute.
  • There is an additional postMessage notification while redirecting player to the designated lobby url. Please check appendix for more details.


tsLongYCurrent system time
See Language Code
Given any language that is not in the list above will be treated as English by default.
gTypeString(3)NGame types
See Game Provider
mTypeString(6)NMachine Type

If you need to enter the game directly, you need to bring in mType and gType at the same time.
windowModeString(1)N1: With using the JDB game lobby. (Default)
If gType and mType are not specified, users will directly enter the game lobby.
If gType and mType are specified, users will directly enter the game.
2: Without using the JDB game lobby.
gType and mType fields are required
isAPPBooleanNWhether to enter the game for the mobile app.
true: mobile app
false: mobile webpage, desktop webpage (Default)
lobbyURLString(100)NGame lobby URL

This parameter will only work when windowMode is 2.
Lobby button will be hidden, when lobbyURL is empty.
The url must use https in game provider HRG.
Game provider CreedRoomz, ZestPlay does not support this feature.
muteIntegerNSound Setting:
0: Open (Default)
1: Mute
cardGameGroupString(5)NCard Game play group
Only a-z or A-Z or 0-9 allowed. (default:0)
isShowDollarSignBooleanNWhether to show dollar sign
true: show dollar sign (Default)
false: don’t show dollar sign
activityIdsString ArrayNActivity ID list
If you have any needs, contact JDB service.


  "action": 11,
  "ts": 1447490495704,
  "uid": "testpl01",
  "lang": "cn",
  "gType": "0",
  "mType": "8001",
  "windowMode": "2",
  "lobbyURL": "",
  "activityIds": ["1234", "5678"]

Return Results

statusString(4)Success: 0000

Error: See Error Codes in Appendix
err_textString(255)Error message
pathString(255)Login URL

Operation Sample

// Http Request
// Http Response (success)
// Http Response (error)
  "err_text":"Assertion(SAML) didn't pass the timestamp validation."
// If the game is under maintenance, we will return:
    "status": "9022",
    "err_text": "Game is maintained. mType: 8001"