JDB Platform API
Action 69: Share The Replay Link

Action 69: Share The Replay Link

Function Description

  • Supported games, please refer to the appendix: Slot games of sharing the replay link
    • If the game does not support replays, we will replay status 9025
  • Winning Amount must be greater than 0. (except for Buy Feature games)
    • If the game record win amount is not greater than 0, we will replay status 9026
  • Only supports game records within 60 days.
  • The link returned is valid for 30 days.


tsLongYCurrent system time
parentString(50)YAgent ID
gTypeIntegerYGame types, only support gType 0, 66
historyIdString(100)YGame History ID
Given any language that is not in the list above will be treated as English in the Open Graph.

See Language Code


  "action": 69,
  "ts": 1704790101741,
  "parent": "testag",
  "uid": "testplayer",
  "gType": 0,
  "historyId": 5250228856980,
  "lang": "en"

Return Results

statusString(4)Success: 0000

Error: See Error Codes in Appendix
urlStringreplay link
err_textString(255)Error message

Operation Sample

// Http Request
// Http Response (success)
  "status": "0000",
  "url": ""
// Http Response (failed)
1. If the game does not support replays, we will respond accordingly:
    "status": "9025",
    "err_text": "Game is not support replay. historyId: 5250228948166 does not support replay"
2. If the game record win amount is not greater than 0 (except for Buy Feature games), we will respond accordingly:
    "status": "9026",
    "err_text": "The win amount should be greater than 0. historyId: 5250228948203 is not shareable"