JDB Platform API
Action 42: Daily Report

Action 42: Daily Report

Function Description

  • Search for a single agent ID’s details of transactions in games in a given period of time
  • If you specify the date 01-01-2016, you will obtain data whose played at time zone UTC+8 in the range of 01-01-2016 12:00:00 to 02-01-2016 12:00:00.
  • The latest information provided in each search is from the previous day.
    • Example 1: If the system time is 05-01-2016 18:23:00, you should specify a search date before 04-01-2016.
    • Example 2: If the system time is 05-01-2016 09:23:02, you should specify a search date before 03-01-2016 (because the 04-01-2016 statement still in progress).
    • Example 3: If the system time is 05-01-2016 12:11:22, you should specify a search date before 03-01-2016.
      • For data integrity, please retrieve information 1 hour later
  • Maximum time range for each search is 3 months.
  • When the Card Game is enabled, all games are added with a “tax” return message.


tsLongYCurrent system time
parentString(50)YAgent ID
gTypeIntegerYGame types
See Game Provider
dateString(10)YSearch date (dd-MM-yyyy)



Return Results

statusString(4)Success: 0000

Error: See Error Codes in Appendix
No Data: 0000
dataJSON ArrayThe returned data will be listed in the following table.
betDoubleBet amount
winDoubleWinning points in the game
netWinDoubleTotal Win Loss
jackpotDoubleThe amount of the jackpot won
jackpotContributeDoubleJackpot contributions
countIntegerBet Count
validBetDoubleValid Bet Amount
Additional return column when Card Game is enabled.
err_textString(255)Error message

Operation Sample

// Http Request
// Http Response (success)
      "tax ":-77.7
      "tax ":-55.66
      "tax ":-11.33
// Http Response (error)
  "err_text":"Assertion(SAML) didn't pass the timestamp validation."
// Http Response (no data)