JDB Platform API
Player Management
Action 13: Create Management User

Action 13: Create Management Accounts

Function Description

  • Create Management Accounts (only for creating management-related accounts).
  • Role description: House → Manager → Master Agent → Agent → Player (cannot create an account across account level).
  • Automatically filter out duplicate subordinate management accounts during creation.
  • User ID under the same dc must be unique.
  • For individual encryption key requests, contact JDB service if needed.


tsLongYCurrent system time
parentString(50)YAgent ID
downLineUsersArray(10)YSubordinate Management Account Array


uidString(50)YSubordinate Management Account ID
Only a - z and 0 - 9 and underscores (_) and hyphens (-) allowed. If the UID is in Uppercase, the system will automatically convert it to lowercase
passwordString(16)YAgent Platform Password, The password must at least 6 characters, with 1 alphabet and 1 number.


  "action": 13,
  "ts": 1447452951820,
  "parent": "testma",
  "downLineUsers": [
      "uid": "test12ag",
      "password": "abc45678"

Return Results

statusString(4)Success: 0000

Error: See Error Codes in Appendix
dataJSON ObjectThe failed bind Management Account ID returned data will be listed in the following table.
err_textString(255)Error message

Data Object

failedCreationUsersArray of StringFailed Management Account ID Creation List, The format of uid or password does not meet the rules.
existedUsersArray of StringExisting Management Account ID List

Operation Sample

// Http Request
// Http Response (success)
  "status": "0000",
  "data": {
    "failedCreationUsers": [
      "uid_format_error", "password_format_error"
    "existedUsers": [
      "existed1", "existed2"
// Http Response (failed)
1. If necessary parameters are not provided or not meet requirement, for example: name, then:
    "status": "7001",
    "err_text": "The specified parent ID cannot be found."
    "status": "8000",
    "err_text": "The parameter of input error, please check your parameter is correct or not. parameter:The maximum is ten downLineUsers"