Action 13: Create Management Accounts
Function Description
- Create Management Accounts (only for creating management-related accounts).
- Role description: House → Manager → Master Agent → Agent → Player (cannot create an account across account level).
- Automatically filter out duplicate subordinate management accounts during creation.
User ID under the same dc must be unique.
For individual encryption key requests, contact JDB service if needed.
Parameter | Format | Mandatory | Description |
action | Integer | Y | 13 |
ts | Long | Y | Current system time |
parent | String(50) | Y | Agent ID |
downLineUsers | Array(10) | Y | Subordinate Management Account Array |
Parameter | Format | Mandatory | Description |
uid | String(50) | Y | Subordinate Management Account IDOnly a - z and 0 - 9 and underscores (_) and hyphens (-) allowed. If the UID is in Uppercase, the system will automatically convert it to lowercase |
password | String(16) | Y | Agent Platform Password, The password must at least 6 characters, with 1 alphabet and 1 number. |
"action": 13,
"ts": 1447452951820,
"parent": "testma",
"downLineUsers": [
"uid": "test12ag",
"password": "abc45678"
Return Results
Parameter | Format | Description |
status | String(4) | Success: 0000 Error: See Error Codes in Appendix |
data | JSON Object | The failed bind Management Account ID returned data will be listed in the following table. |
err_text | String(255) | Error message |
Data Object
Parameter | Format | Description |
failedCreationUsers | Array of String | Failed Management Account ID Creation List, The format of uid or password does not meet the rules. |
existedUsers | Array of String | Existing Management Account ID List |
Operation Sample
// Http Request
// Http Response (success)
"status": "0000",
"data": {
"failedCreationUsers": [
"uid_format_error", "password_format_error"
"existedUsers": [
"existed1", "existed2"
// Http Response (failed)
1. If necessary parameters are not provided or not meet requirement, for example: name, then:
"status": "7001",
"err_text": "The specified parent ID cannot be found."
"status": "8000",
"err_text": "The parameter of input error, please check your parameter is correct or not. parameter:The maximum is ten downLineUsers"