Action 12: Create Player
Function Description
- Create a player(to create a Agent Level related account, please go to the agent platform to create or use Action 13:Create Management Accounts.)
- Role description: House → Manager → Master Agent → Agent → Player (cannot create an account across account level)
- The credit allocated cannot exceed the 9-digit limit an error message 6011.
User ID under the same dc must be unique.
Parameter | Format | Mandatory | Description |
action | Integer | Y | 12 |
ts | Long | Y | Current system time |
parent | String(50) | Y | Agent ID |
uid | String(50) | Y | Player IDOnly a - z and 0 - 9 and underscores (_) and hyphens (-) allowed. If the UID is in Uppercase, the system will automatically convert it to lowercase |
name | String(50) | Y | Player NameSpecial symbols are not allowed : <>#"'%-+=*/|& |
credit_allocated | Integer | N | Initial credits in the account. (By default is 0) |
Return Results
Parameter | Format | Description |
status | String(4) | Success: 0000 Error: See Error Codes in Appendix |
err_text | String(255) | Error message |
Operation Sample
// Http Request
// Http Response (success)
// Http Response (error)
" err_text":"Account already exist. Please choose other user ID."