JDB Platform API
Free Spin Reward
Action 74: Bind Players for Free Spin Reward

Action 74:Bind Players for Free Spin Reward

Function Description

  • Bind Players for Free Spin Reward
  • To prevent excessive API execution time, each call can process up to 50,000 players. Multiple calls can be made if needed.
  • Binding is only possible during the inactive period or the activation period.


tsLongYCurrent system time
parentString(50)YAgent ID
eventIdStringYEvent ID
playersString ArrayYPlayer ID List (Maximum limit: 50,000 entries.)


  "action": 74,
  "ts": 1711555200000,
  "parent": "testag",
  "eventId": "123456",
  "players": [

Return Results

statusString(4)Success: 0000

Error: See Error Codes in Appendix
dataJSON ArrayThe failed bind player ID returned data will be listed in the following table.
err_textString(255)Error messages will only appear if an error occurs.

Data Object

failedBindingPlayersArray of StringThe failed bind player ID list
notExistedPlayersArray of StringThe non-existent player ID list

Operation Sample

// Http Request
// Http Response (success)
    "status": "0000",
    "data": {
       "failedBindingPlayers": [
            "failed1", "failed2"
       "notExistedPlayers": [
            "not_exist1", "not_exist2",
// Http Response (failed)
1. If necessary parameters are not provided or not meet requirement, for example: name, then:
    "status": "8000",
    "err_text": "The parameter of input error, please check your parameter is correct or not. parameter:event id is required"
2. If free spin reward event not exist, then:
    "status": "9015",
    "err_text": "Event not exist."
3. If free spin reward event status not allow to do this action, then:
    "status": "9998",
    "err_text": "This action cannot be executed as the event status is TERMINATED."