Seamless Wallet API
Action 4: Cancel BetNSettle

Action 4: Cancel BetNSettle

Function Description

  • If JDB received status 6101 from your service, JDB will recover the game history corresponding to the original BetNSettle (Action 8) request.
  • If the request is received and has already been successfully processed, please return 0000.
  • If JDB received status 9017 from your service, JDB will resend Cancel BetNSettle (Action 4) after 1 minute for 1 hour until received status is not 9017.
  • When BetNSettle (Action 8) times out or does not receive a correctly formatted response (please refer to the image below), this API will be called after one minute.
seamless wallet Cancel BetNSettle flow chart

Request Parameter

tsLongCurrent system time
transferIdLongTransfer ID
historyIdString(100)Game History ID
See Explanation of historyId
Effective in the test environment on 2025-01-09 17:00+8.
Effective in the production environment on 2025-02-10 10:00+8.
uidString(50)Player ID, Only allow a-z & 0-9 and underscores (_) and hyphens (-)
currencyString(10)Please refer to: Currency Code
gTypeIntegerGame types
See Game Provider
mTypeIntegerMachine Type
systemSessionIdString(150)System Session ID, will be different in each login when using action 21 get game launch url.

Game Type supports range: SLOT(0), FISH(7), ARCADE(9), LOTTERY(12), CARD(18)

This is not included by default, contact JDB service if needed.

More data fields are vary by gType, listed in the following table:

Request Example

  "action": 4,
  "ts": 1447452951820,
  "transferId": 123456789,
  "historyId": "5250145705663",
  "uid": "testpl01",
  "currency": "RB",
  "gType": 0,
  "mType": 8001

Response Parameter

statusString(4)0000:Cancel successfully
6101:Can not cancel, transaction need to be settled
9017:Work in process, please try again later
It would be considered as success if the status is not 6101 or 9017, and you can describe in err_text.
err_textString(255)Error message

Response Example

  "status": "0000",
  "balance": "12345.67",
  "err_text": ""