JDB Platform API
Player Management
Action 67: Change betting settings for Game Provider HRG

Action 67:Change betting settings for Game Provider HRG

Function Description

  • Set the bet limit ids, allow betting with no commission and allow hedge betting when the player enters the HRG game.

  • Can set up player, house, manager, master agent, or agent. When both the player and parent have settings, the player settings will be used first.


    • The player sets bet limit id [900001, 900002, 90003], allow betting with no commission to be false, and allow hedge betting to be false.
    • The agent sets bet limit id [900001, 900002, 90005], allow betting with no commission to be true, and allow hedge betting to be true.
    • When the player enters the game, the player settings will be applied in the game:
      • Bet Limit id [900001, 900002, 90003], allow betting with no commission is false, allow hedge betting is false.
  • A maximum of 6 groups of bet limit ids can be set.


tsLongYCurrent system time
targetUidString(50)YHouse/Manager/Master Agent/Agent/Player ID
mTypeIntegerYMachine Type
betLimitIdsInteger ArrayYBet Limit IDs
See HRG Bet Limit ID
If not set, the first five ids of each currency in the appendix will be used as the default.
If you have any other needs, contact JDB service.
allowNoCommBetBooleanYAllow betting with no commission
If not set, the default will be true.
allowHedgeBettingBooleanYAllow hedge betting
If BACCARAT not set, the default will be false.
If ROULETTE not set, the default will be true.


  "action": 67,
  "ts": 1698806841181,
  "targetUid": "testag",
  "mType": 41001,
  "betLimitIds": [
  "allowNoCommBet": true,
  "allowHedgeBetting": true

Return Results

statusString(4)Success: 0000

Error: See Error Codes in Appendix
err_textString(255)Error message

Operation Sample

// Http Request
// Http Response (success)
// Http Response (error)
  " err_text":"User ID cannot be found."