Seamless Wallet API
Action 16: Free Spin Reward

Action 16: Free Spin Reward

Function Description

  • JDB will call api when free spin reward amount, inform customer to payout reward.
  • Customers should update player's balance base on the request, then feedback the player remaining balance.
  • If the request is received and has already been successfully processed, please return 0000.
  • If call the API failed, JDB will retry every minutes for 1 hour until status 0000.
seamless wallet free spin reward flow chart

Request Parameter

tsLongCurrent system time
transferIdLongTransfer ID can not be referred to game history
eventIdLongfree spin ID
uidString(50)Player ID
amountDoubleAmount that should be transferred to player balance.
currencyString(10)Please refer to: Currency Code

Request Example

  "action": 16,
  "ts": 1664522589182,
  "transferId": 251919,
  "eventId": 12345,
  "uid": "testpl",
  "amount": 5000.0,
  "currency": "RB"

Response Parameter

statusString(4)Success: 0000
If receive request and transferId has been payout reward, please return 0000 as the status.

It would be considered as failure if the status is not 0000, and trigger resend mechanism.
err_textString(255)Error message

Response Example

  "status": "0000",
  "balance": 12345.67,
  "err_text": ""