Seamless Wallet API
Action 13: Withdraw

Action 13: Withdraw

Function Description

  • JDB will call the API when a player wants to make a deposit to JDB.
  • Without any correct response, JDB will call Cancel Withdraw (Action 15) after 1 minute.
  • Fish shooting game uses action 8, 4 in default, contact JDB service switch to action 13, 14, 15 if needed.
seamless wallet withdraw flow chart

Request Parameter

tsLongCurrent system time
transferIdLongTransfer ID
uidString(50)Player ID
currencyString(10)Please refer to: Currency Code
amountDoubleWithdraw amount, always be positive
gTypeIntegerGame types
See Game Provider
mTypeIntegerMachine Type
systemSessionIdString(150)System Session ID, will be different in each login when using action 21 get game launch url.

Game Type supports range: FISH(7)

This is not included by default, contact JDB service if needed.

More data fields are vary by gType, listed in the following table:

Request Example

  "action": 13,
  "ts": 1664358643847,
  "transferId": 251916,
  "uid": "testpl",
  "currency": "RM",
  "amount": 5000.0,
  "gType": 0,
  "mType": 8001

Response Parameter

statusString(4)Success: 0000
Error: 6006 - Player balance is insufficient
It would be considered as failure if the status is not 0000, and you can describe in err_text.
err_textString(255)Error message

Response Example

  "status": "0000",
  "err_text": ""